
In some cases, Marc J. Victor, P.C. provides the following links in return for a reciprocal link. The presence of these links should not be construed as an endorsement by Marc J. Victor, P.C. of any organization, person, product or idea listed. While we review these pages for content and suitability, we have no control over the content of these pages after they have been linked.

I Chose Liberty: Autobiographies of Contemporary Libertarians
Advocates for Self-Government – The job of the Advocates is to present the freedom philosophy to opinion leaders. We help them encounter, evaluate, and if appropriate, embrace the ideals of self-government. — Market Anarchism Online

Bloomfield Press — They publish the gun laws in plain English and word-for-word.

CATO Institute — They seek to broaden the parameters of public policy debate to allow consideration of more options that are consistent with the traditional American principles of limited government, individual liberty, and peace.

Drug War Facts

Drink Wheel — A form that you can fill out that when completed will instantly compute your estimated blood/breath alcohol concentration ("BAC") or blood alcohol content.

Ernest Hancock – Declare Your Independence – Firearms, Guns & Weapons community discussion forums. Galleries, Reviews, Articles, Links and much more.

Foundation for Economic Education — This website is full of sound ideas, logical commentary, and the fundamental philosophy of liberty, economic freedom, and individual rights.

Freedom’s Phoenix

Future of Freedom Foundation — An educational foundation that advances the libertarian philosophy by providing an uncompromising moral and economic case for individual liberty, free markets, private property, and limited government.

Gun Owners of America

The Henry Hazlitt Foundation — Dedicated to the future of freedom.

Institute for Justice — If you seek a courtroom champion for individual liberty, free market solutions, and limited government, look only as far as the Institute for Justice.

International Society for Individual Liberty — An association of individuals and organizations with members in over 80 countries dedicated to building a free and peaceful world, respect for individual rights and liberties, and an open and competitive economic system based on voluntary exchange and free trade.

Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership — America’s Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership.

Laissez-Faire Books — The world’s largest selection of books on liberty.

Lawyers Weekly USA — The national newspaper for small firm lawyers.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)

Liberty Tree — Where you will find books, audio and video tapes, collectibles and games and many other items about personal and economic freedom, American history, politics, the environment, current hot issues, education and home schooling, and political humor.


Ludwig Von Mises Institute — The research and educational center of classical liberalism and the Austrian School of economics.

National Center for Policy Analysis – The NCPA’s Idea House

PGP Encryption software

Protection Elite International  — PEI is an organization of highly-experienced security specialists, martial artists, and firearms experts, dedicated to providing the most comprehensive protection and security services available anywhere in the world.

Reason Foundation — A national research and educational organization that explores and promotes the twin values of rationality and freedom as a basic underpinning of a good society.

Separation of School and State Alliance — Their goal is to inform Americans how education can be improved for all —not only the poor— by liberating schools from politics. In practice, that means "separating school and state.


Strike The Root — A daily journal of current events and commentary from a libertarian/market anarchist perspective.

Supreme Court of the United States — Everything you wanted to know about the U.S. Supreme