In case anyone is interested, Marc and I (Mike Wasdin) had our mock debate in the office yesterday. Here (I played the part of the Statist) is what I used as my argument to support the drug war (yes I almost threw up in my own mouth while reading it, lol). Marc of course destroyed this argument (not that I had any doubt that he would) and had a great rebuttal to all of it.
If you want to see the real thing, here is where it will be:
My attempt to think as a Statist is below:
Mr. Victor talked a lot about freedom today. If you were listening closely you noticed that he used a lot of intentional words when describing my position such as “anti-American”, and “statist” or fascist. He then used jingoistic words such as “pro-freedom”, “Liberty”, and “American” to describe his position. He used these words as labels. He wants you to associate my position as being inconsistent with freedom, and his position as one of someone who understands and embraces true freedom. Mr. Victor believes that he, and only he understands the meaning of words like, freedom, liberty and self-ownership.
What is freedom? Is freedom the right to do whatever you feel like doing, without regard to what effect those “freedoms” may have on other individuals who share an equal right to freedom just as you do? If that is true freedom, then what possible argument could Mr. Victor raise to my using my property in any way I decide, even if that use harms others?
Should I have the freedom to drive my car while intoxicated, endangering the lives of other citizens? If I own my body and what I put into it, as well as my car, then I should have the freedom to do whatever I wish with my property right?
Should I have the right to play loud music in my own home at 2 am even though it disturbs my neighbor? If I own the stereo and it's in my house, why should I not be able to do as I wish with my property?
Should I have the right to discharge my weapon at my discretion and at whatever I feel like? If I own my weapon and it is my hand that controls it, what possible objection could he raise to my controlling my own property?
Should I have the right to smoke marijuana anytime I choose? What about at work, or while driving my child to school, or while just driving in general?
At what point can there be too much freedom or should we just be able to run amuck and do anything we so choose? Do we have a responsibility as a civilized society to create laws and enforce them or should we just leave it up to each individual to decide which laws they should obey, and which laws they should ignore?
It would be impossible to live in a free society with unchecked freedom. With no limits to freedom there would be nothing preventing someone else who is capable of exerting more force than you are able to defend against from using their freedoms in such a way that would deprive you of your freedom.
With freedom comes responsibility! I also cherish freedom, but I understand and accept that freedom does and must have limits. Unlimited freedom would be chaos and anarchy. Any civilized society must acknowledge a need for law and order. Without rules, regulations and laws, your freedoms would only exist until someone or a collective group decided to use their freedoms in such a way as to deny your freedoms.
We live in a violent and dangerous world. I am concerned about what kind of world I leave behind for my children and my children’s, children. What kind of a message would we be sending our children if we legalized marijuana, that it is okay and acceptable? I don’t want my children to be addicted to drugs; I have seen up close and personal the dangers and the consequences of people with drug addictions.
I know Mr. Victor will make the argument that marijuana is relatively harmless, or that there is no evidence that marijuana is addictive or a health risk at all. I would disagree with all of these assertions, but more importantly I would remind Mr. Victor that marijuana is a gateway drug and a stepping stone to more dangerous drugs such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines.
We have laws in this country, and those laws were created for a reason. Laws are put into place to not only protect us, but to punish those people that choose to step outside those laws and do as they choose. Mr. Victor would like to see the laws regarding drugs abolished. I think that these laws are not only needed, but that they are consistent with freedom in a civilized society.
Among the very young, we impose structure (laws) so that they grow up properly to become responsible adults. Without any restrictions there is an increase in lawlessness in the youth of America. Society has the obligation to make up for the lack of structure on our children by the neglect of their parents. This lack of structure has made itself evident in the high dropout rate in American schools and the increasing failure of our children's ability to read and write.
Drugs are bad and create countless social ills. They are not only dangerous for the user, but for society as a whole. Drugs create higher crime rates in our cities as well as dangerous neighborhoods in our communities, which result in higher taxes for everyone. Drugs are a burden on our police, courts and prisons, as well as many other areas such as the medical and mental health fields.
Drugs, as well as drug related crimes are responsible for much of the violence that plagues our society today. Legalizing drugs would be akin to throwing gas on an already out of control fire. No, legalizing drugs is not the answer!
The only answer is to ramp up our efforts and find better ways to fight the war on these dangerous and addictive drugs. This war will not be won if we decide to retreat and concede. I would like to see more money and resources used in the fight against this dangerous enemy that is ruining the lives of not only this generation, but that of future generations as well. We need to think about the children, and what effect legalization would have on them as well as their children's children.
I would like to ask Mr. Victor a few questions myself. Mr. Victor what other laws would you see fit to abolish if given the opportunity? What about speeding and other traffic laws? What about guns and other weapons? What about prostitution or sex with children? Do you yourself have any limits to the freedom for which you so strongly advocate, or are there any areas where you think there should be limits to freedom, and if so where?
Maybe you should start by asking yourself if freedom really exists in the first place. The fact that you are here today defending your position with such vigor and passion would seem to imply that no it does not. If you are always on the defense can you really say that you are free? Freedom would mean that you're free in your mind as well as your body, yet here you stand debating this issue of freedom as if it is something you possess, well do you?
I am not sure if Mr. Victor even understands the consequences of the freedoms for which he is advocating for; I certainly do not. I believe in and support freedom myself, but obviously Mr. Victor and I have a different definition of what true freedom is.
Mike Wasdin
Law Firm Marketing Manager
Law Office of Marc J. Victor, P.C.
3920 S. Alma School Rd. Ste. 5, Chandler, AZ 85248
Direct: 480-455-5206 Fax: 480-857-0150